Privacy Policy

GoTherapy - A Mental Wellness Company in Chandigarh, India

GoTherapy, a service provided by GoTherapy (GoTherapy Wellness Software Private Limited), hereafter referred to as "GoTherapy," is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy explains how GoTherapy collects, processes, uses, shares, and protects information about you. It also outlines how you can access and update your information and make certain choices regarding how your information is used.

Sensitive Personal Data or Information or "SDPI" of a person includes any personal information such as a) password, b) financial information – bank account, debit card, credit card, or any other payment information, c) physical and mental health history, d) sexual orientation, e) medical history, f) biometric data, g) any details related to the above points. Any publicly available information is not considered SDPI.

This Privacy Policy covers both "online" (e.g., web and mobile services, including any websites operated by us, such as or mobile application, however accessed and/or used, whether via personal computers, mobile devices, or otherwise) and "offline" (e.g., collection of data through mailings, telephone, or in-person) activities owned, operated, provided, or made available by the Company. This Privacy Policy also applies to your use of interactive features or downloads that:

(i) we own or control;
(ii) are available through the Services; or
(iii) interact with the Services and post or incorporate this Privacy Policy.

By using GoTherapy's services or accepting our terms and conditions, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Please review the following carefully so that you understand our privacy practices. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, do not use our services. This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into our Terms of Service.

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the email address provided on our website and/or mobile application.

Information That We Collect
Information You Provide to Us:
We may ask you to provide us with SPDI. We may collect this information through various means and in various places through the Services, including account registration, forms, contact us forms, or when you otherwise interact with us. When you sign up to use the Services, you create a user profile. We shall ask you to provide only such SPDI which is for a lawful purpose connected with our Services and necessary to be collected by us for such purpose. The current data fields that might be requested for are: Name, Email, Mobile number, Password, Gender, Age, profession, mental health-related information, language spoken, sexual orientation.

Information We Collect as You Access and Use Our Services:
a) In addition to any Protected Information or other information that you choose to submit to us, we and our third-party service providers may use a variety of technologies that automatically (or passively) collect certain information whenever you visit or interact with the Services ("Usage Information"). This Usage Information may include the browser that you are using, the URL that referred you to our Services, all of the areas within our Services that you visit, and the time of day, among other information.

b) In addition, we collect your Device Identifier for your Device. A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to your Device used to access the Services, and our computers identify your Device by its Device Identifier. In case of interaction via customer service, GoTherapy may record calls for quality and training purposes.

c) Usage Information may be collected using cookies. If you do not want information to be collected through the use of cookies, your browser allows you to deny or accept the use of cookies. Cookies can be disabled or controlled by setting a preference within your web browser or on your Device. If you choose to disable cookies or flash cookies on your Device, some features of the Services may not function properly or may not be able to customize the delivery of information to you. The Company cannot control the use of cookies (or the resulting information) by third parties, and the use of third-party cookies is not covered by our Privacy Policy.

Information Third Parties Provide About You:
We may, from time to time, supplement the information we collect about you through our website or mobile application with outside records from third parties.

Information Collected by Mobile Applications:
a) Our Services are also provided through the Mobile Application. We may collect and use technical data and related information, including but not limited to, technical information about your device, system and application software, and peripherals, that are gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, and other services to you (if any) related to the Mobile Application.

b) When you use any of our Mobile Applications, the Mobile Application may automatically collect and store some or all of the following information from your mobile device ("Mobile Device Information"), in addition to the Device Information, including, without limitation:

• Your preferred language and country site (if applicable)

• The manufacturer and model of your mobile device

• Your mobile operating system

• The type of mobile internet browsers you are using

• Your geolocation

• Information about how you interact with the Mobile Application and any of our websites to which the Mobile Application links, such as how many times you use a specific part of the Mobile Application over a given time period, the amount of time you spend using the Mobile Application, how often you use the Mobile Application, actions you take in the Mobile Application, and how you engage with the Mobile Application.

• Information to allow us to personalize the services and content available through the Mobile Application.

• Data from SMS/text messages upon receiving Device permissions for the purposes of (i) issuing and receiving one-time passwords and other device verification and (ii) automatically filling verification details during financial transactions, either through us or a third-party service provider, in accordance with applicable law. We do not share or transfer SMS/text message data to any third party other than as provided under this Privacy Policy.

Use of the Collected Information
Our primary goal in collecting your information is to provide you with an enhanced experience when using the Services. We use your SDPI to match you with a counselor best suited to your needs.

Your mental health-related data is shared with the counselor with your consent so that the counselor can effectively cater to your needs.

We use your email id and mobile number to send you reminders about upcoming sessions and other information related to your account. We might also use it for marketing and promotional purposes.

We use your Internet Protocol (IP) address to help diagnose problems with our computer server and to administer our website(s). Your IP address is used to help identify you but contains no personal information about you.

We will send you strictly service-related announcements on rare occasions when it is necessary to do so. For instance, if our Services are temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an email.

All information (and copies thereof) collected by GoTherapy, including, without limitation, SPDI, Usage information, and other information related to your access and use of the services offered by GoTherapy, may be retained by GoTherapy for such a period as necessary, including but not limited to, for purposes such as compliance with statutory or legal obligations, tax laws, potential evidentiary purposes, and for other reasonable purposes such as implementing, administering, and managing your access and use of our