
GoTherapy - A Mental Wellness Company in Chandigarh, India

GoTherapy is not in the business of providing psychiatric care or treatment for severe mental illnesses, including but not limited to suicidal thoughts.

The advice or information provided by counselors via the website is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be considered a substitute for examination by a doctor or other mental health professional. You are strongly advised against relying solely on, or making decisions based solely on advice provided by any counselor.

You understand and agree that although a Counselor may be a qualified clinical or counseling psychologist or another mental health professional, GoTherapy disclaims any and all liability for any consultation and therapy services rendered by a Counselor to you through the Website. You further acknowledge and agree that you take full responsibility for the decision to access an Expert through the Website and to continue to interact with such individual(s), and that the role of GoTherapy is strictly limited to providing access to such Counselors to you.

The website is not a suicide helpline platform. If you are considering or contemplating suicide or feel that you are a danger to yourself or to others, you may discontinue the use of the services immediately at your discretion and please notify appropriate emergency services, such as the police or emergency medical personnel. You may find contacts for such emergency services here.

We are here to ensure your well-being and happiness.

If you are in a life-threatening situation – DO NOT use this site. Use these resources to get immediate help.

©GoTherapy. All rights reserved.